2013 "I am no doctor, but I think he might be a clone"
Siegfried "He doesn't seem to know what happened here"
"Can someone explain to me what's going on?"
You killed Siegoma, tried to make up for it, and then disappeared!
River "hold on Siegfried.
River "Leo, you, or a version of you, was here in this coma while I was in the hospital. Hez or you, were on a team of villians that killed an alternate version of Siegfried.
"So this is a coma? Is this real?"
Siegfried "yes"
Leo "how do I know it's real? Owww!" River pinches Leo
There, it is real, see? You die here, you die in real life.
2013 "welcome to SpadeCity real Leo"
"Oh, hi, what's your name?"
"I'm part of a cloning process from about 10 years ago. You can call me 2013"
"Ok. Nice to meet you 2013"
Charlie walks in the cabin "Apple Red got abducted by a crab monster"
Siegfried "a what?"
No time to explain! Skittery ran after them!
River "let's move
Siegfried "right"
Leo gets up
"Oh no, you're staying here!" River blocks Leo
"I…just wanted to see what was going on" Leo looks up
River "2013, watch him"
2013 "by myself?"
"2013 "ok"
Siegfried "I don't approve"
In the forest
Apple Red "Let me out of this bubble! Who are you?"
"None of your business, boy"
"My mom will punch your face in and my dad will stab you"
The crab goes on a phone "Hello? Yeah, Serene? I have Daniel here, you wanna try that thing you made? What do you mean it won't work? It's worth a try. I bet he'll find a-
Apple Red breaks the bubble silently while the crab keeps talking
Apple Red runs
Serene jumps in "where do you think you're going?"
Apple Red "I'm not afraid of you!"
Megor tryds through the forest and stops in front of Apple Red
"Ok you I'm afraid of"
Rendal "Hey, back off."
Megor "I don't have time for you!"
Rendal "Well then you better make some!" Rendal pulls out a dagger and violently goes for Megors chest as he backs away in different directions"
Serene punches Apple Red
Apple Red "Knock it off!" He pushes her to the side
Rendal looks over (eye edit) and Megor pushes him to the ground as his dagger flies to the side
"Puny inormal"